Ustazah Nani

I am finally employed. Its been a week now. First two days were tough, needed time to adapt with everything. Kept reminding myself that everyone will experience the same thing during their first few days working.

I am a primary teacher at a private islamic school =)) One of my dream job is not a dream anymore =)) Most of the staffs were great and the kids were AMAZING!  I am in love with each and everyone of them (except for this one 7 year old yang nakal sangat!) I kinda miss them already. Next week cuti pulak. Ahhh, one thing yang bagus about becoming a teacher is you get to cuti during school holidays =D

I honestly love my job (Maybe not the part that I need to get ready early in the morning and waiting for the taxis and bus) Gaji tak lah besar but worth the job I was assigned to. One problem is that, these kids called me Ustazah. Its a good thing I know, but I dont think I deserve to be called ustazah. I bet these kids hafal more surah from the Quran than I did =/  and I dont even know arabic! (-_-")

Being called ustazah is probably my current  dilemma. Maybe the hikmah is that, I need to start living my life like ustazah. or a better muslimah to be exact.

and working here made me realized something, I dont wanna marry an ustad. I just want someone normal yang beriman =)

ps: my dream job
1) Primary/kindergarten teacher
2) Working at a bookstore as apa-apa lah
3) Working at a pet shop



arazugha said...

waa...tahniah ustazah nani!

Nani said...

Tak sesuai kan (-_-")
Terima kasih lah ustazah zugha. Harap-harap dapat bertahan =)