Salam bloggy, its been awhile huh? Not that I dont have anything to write here, in fact theres plenty of 'things' i'd like to share. Some may be relevant and some may be not so (pssst, its raining cats and dogs here, im pretty worried about the cats outside =s)

Anyways, heres a thing. I am fat. I have never been this fat all my life. I have avoided myself from going to the weight scale. Too afraid of the numbers that might show up. Thats the thing when you're living comfortably at home. The only exercise I did was going up and down the stairs (-_-")

I blame my lack of fashion sense. Most fashionable girls I know would starve eat right just so they could fit into their dream outfit. And the harsh fact is that, you will look good in anything if you have the perfect body. On contrary, if your body made of fats and fats, most outfits wont look that appealing on you.

Kevin Zahri and many other fit people had once pointed out that losing weight requires 70% balanced diet and 30% exercise. Well, I dont exercise and I certainly am not eating right *sigh sigh sigh* Even worse, just got back from Terengganu and I cant stop from stuffing myself !

I miss my old body =( Wasnt that fit but atleast can still fit into pretty clothes.

I just need a reason to lose weight =/

well, gnite!

1 comment:

arazugha said...

x nasik..x fried chicken..hihi