
Yuran submit tesis RM1300 *termenung sekejap*

Nak mintak parents dah segan (and takut!)
I planned to have a job by at least this month
Tapi tu la, kita plan, Allah yang tentukan :/

Not that I didnt apply for any job
I did, and so far dah pergi dua interview (for a noob yang tak pernah berkerja like me, two is A LOT)
The first one, nailed it,BUT end up rejecting the job offer
Apparently, this job may require me to put my religion behind (the interviewer exact word)
Which is definitely not an option

the second job interview, I should probably forget about it. I was not informed that I need to seat for IELTS before the interview! Mana prepare, for sure la essay tunggang langgang (-_-")
So currently waiting for another job interview, which is none =(

So how to get the money before next month?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Insya Allah tak lame lagi akan ade bnyk interview utk ko & u'll get the job. Allah sedang menguji ko dgn memberi pengalaman yg pelbagai & mengenali ragam dan rencah kehidupan yg beraneka.. =)