
A friend once told me that expectations will usually lead to frustration
so its better not to expect anything

dont expect to get married at a certain age
dont expect to get a job right after you graduated
dont expect tomorrow is going to be a sunny day
dont expect the opportunity will still be there if you dont grab it today
dont don dont

and I had always agreed to this statement
but somehow I just realize that I am always 'expecting'
I am always expecting people to treat me just the way I treat them
do things that I did to them, nice things of course
but they didn't
and I ALWAYS end up being frustrated
my fault for thinking too highly of some people :(
(but maybe I will continue doing so)

I turned 25 last two weeks
funny how I still see myself as a teenager :/
I felt slightly insignificant on that day
Only Allah knows why :'(


ainShahajar said...

sorry sgt aku tak wish ko

aku pun rasa kurang besday kali ni...

apa pun... yg bahagiakan kita adalah keberkatan dan rahmat dari Allah

bukan selain Allah =)

happy belated besday
n im so sorry


Nani said...

sokay la my pren, keberkatan Allah penting.
ko kan dapat kekkkkk.ape yg kughang nyewww.haha!