I love KMNS

KMNS= Khairul Mohd Nazri Saad

GOTCHA!!!Berdebau jantung hang kannnn. Hahaha! Khairul Mohd Nazri Saad tak wujud.
Im just playing with my readers (Ain and Tisya?)

(ni baru post blog yang betoi =P)

menulis tesis ni bosan tau, jadi saya selalu la selang selikan penulisan tesis dengan aktiviti online yang lain seperti stalk crush punya sanak sedara punya twitter.Haha!
Yeee, dak ni ada crush,takyah sibuk-sibuk tanya siapa.
But, thats not what I wanna talk about.
I wanna talk about my last days in KMNS, my beloved matriculation college.
I was the last person to leave the hostel. Baba memang selalu camtu. Save the best for last punya prinsip dia pakai kot (-_-")
I remember not having the chance to say goodbye to Zugha coz i was busy with my pracmates and Zugha had to leave early. Sedih sangat. But then, kuasa tuhan, we were roomates in UKM =)

I read tweets of matric students just now and apparently last week was their last week in matric. I find it funny how similar our feelings were when leaving matric. The only difference is that we dont have twitter to share about it, only friendster.
These kids sibuk cerita pasal kesedihan nak tinggalkan matric
Sedih nak tinggalkan crush
Rindu dengan koop and lecturers etc
Sama gila dengan what I felt  7 years ago.
matriculation effect ke apa ni? =/

Things I did before ending my matric life;
Mintak 'souvenir' from everyone in my aras (Tak malu betoi)
Asked everyone to write on a small biography book (but i dont know where it is now =/)
take photos of almost everyone I knew and even with those yang I only exchanged smiles with (-_-")

Matric life was one of the best 10 months of my life
would wanna rewind if I could =')


Nat Salle said...

ces.. as an excellent stalker, I plan to search for 'your' Khairul Mohd Nazri Saad in facebook.. =| aha!

ainShahajar said...

haha.. aku trus bukak blog ko.. bukan dari dashboard.. =p

khairul mohd naim



Nani said...

da agak dah si tisya tuuu.huhuhuhhu

xyah emo2 la ainn.haha