in Islam we're not allowed to have suuzon but i think not trusting someone is permissible as long as u dont accuse them of doing things that they dont
what i meant by not trusting someone is that i would probably avoid having any close relationship with them, wont trust them with any of my secrets, wont really talk to them or actually i would avoid making friends with them 😅
that proly explain why i have so little friends.but i dont think these situation applies to me only, i guess a lot of us will felt this way especially when you hit 30. Mainly based on personal experience.
the reason why i posted this because i just wanna list out types of people whom i have trust issues with
1) Girls who wear too much make unless there are in industries that requires the heavy make up
Reason: Heavy make up = fake face representation
2) Girls who dont cover their aurah properly
Reason: if they can openly disobey Allah, what else can there be.
3) Wives who wears tight cloth n tabarruj
Reason: You are married, who else you tryna impress? besides i have exprience with parents of this kind, it is saddening 😔
4) ustaz
Reasons: i work with a lot of ustaz, nuff said.
5) selfie freak
Reasons: i just dont trust narcistic people
6) people who talk and laugh loudly
Reason: dont have a specific reason, its just that i know u need be extra careful with this kinda people
7) dishonest person
Reason: if he/she is dishonest in a certain thing, it is not impossible that he/she is dishonest with other things
i guess thats it for now. I always pray to Allah to give me friends that would make me closer to Him, and forbid befriending those who would lead me astray. Alhamdulillah i think Allah had fullfill my doa 😊
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