Allah knows

As promised, gonna write as frequent as i can, so here i am

so yesterday, i finally quit home tutoring this one kid. Alhamdulillah felt better. But i was shocked to know that the mother did not take my decision to quit very well.
I admit, i did not commit to his son, i canceled our class quite a lot of times BUT with reasons. Even if im feeling a lil too tired is still considered a good reason to cancel the class.
and this mother did advice me on this, she hoped i would be a lil bit commited in teaching his son. I tried, believe me i tried. Her son is a handful, her house is not that near may I add, and i could complain on a lot of other things but i didnt cause i know im just an employee. I bought books for her son without a single claim. 

I have no heart in teaching her son but i did anyway cause I pity him. I dont think anyone else could have stand him. and so i continue teaching him. but then got a news that the mother contacted my friend, probably to offer her become her son new tutor. And being the thoughtful person that I am, i decided to make it easy for her by quiting. I told her honestly that I cant commit and that next month im gonna be even busier with my studies. I suggested her to look for someone more profesional and can commit to his son. I told her this with the nicest sentence that i could have used and she replied rudely. No words of appreciation, none.

She even told my friend that I suka PONTENG. Allahuakbar. whenever i canceled a class I will always replace it with another. Unless I Am SICK. But she told my friend that shes frustrated and that she rejected me. She even tried to tell my friend that im overcharging her.

First of all, I REJECTED her, mainly cause I know that i can no longer commit, and she should be thankful that i was being honest. Secondly, Ponteng is a harsh word. You can say that im not commited but dont say I ponteng!Thirdly, i enjoy teaching your son, even tho he could be ahandful sometimes, good luck in finding someone that can stand him.

dear mak cik, congrats, u have hurt me. You even tried to convince my friend that it was all my fault when all i did was being honest. If i continue but cant commit, the damage would have been worse.
I cant believe that someone like u exist. no respect at all towards the person who had sacrifice her time and energy for your kid. you are a great cook, but i will never buy food from someone like u.

U may continue bad talking about me to your friends, go ahead. Allah knows my intention and yours.

ive met parents like this before, and the kids usually did not perform in their studies. go figure.

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