
finally unemployed 😂 dont worry, i will find a new job sooner or later, for now im gonna focus on whats already in hand, tuition and family business.

sister just got married meaning that im next in line. I know i am next but i dont know when and i dont with who. life would be so easy if i could just choose a spouse and the whole world agree 😐 but it never was that easy. it never is and never will.even if you two love each other so much but fate has a different idea, then theres nothing you can do about it except for pray that Allah give you strenght to let go

just finished watching 'your name' illegally. i cant watch it on cinema cause i need to save me money since i am unemployed.i did cry a bit but im just wondering if boyfriend cried because of the movie or because he misses in adolescent can be pretty complicated at times 😔 

please Ya Allah, give me something to smile every day and thank you for everything you have given me. Alhamdulillah 

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