an update


mama told me yesterday that one of her friend told her that (wow thats complicated) that one way of not getting amnesia is by writing. hence here i am. im thinking of blogging seriously once again. and maybe one day (if i had the guts) i will let the whole world read it. so gotta make sure i dont write crappish embarassing stuff in here.

an update

i have exactly less than two months before becoming unemployed. if im lucky enough (with Allah's help) maybe i will get a new job before next year. I know, it is highly impossible unless im a super talented human being who can DRIVE. I am so bless to have my amazing family around whom i know wont let me die out of hunger.eheh. nways, while waiting to be employed, i will put my god gifted hands at better use. tasbih, diy pencil case, frames etc and maybe try my luck in selling cute stuffs online. InsyaAllah. ooh, and yes, tuition, of coz.

meanwhile, physically, i am watching out for my weight these past few months, jerawat is so friendly with me these days.Probably because im a bit stressed out at work. Exam papers, annoying colleagues, saying goodbye to kids. Urghhh, that explains my current face.

love life? lets just say, if its meant to be, than it will be *redha smile*

social life? introvert as always.

thats it for now,

forever a wallflower, nani

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