Ramadhan kareem

Ramadhan is almost over,praying that Allah accepted all my ibadah as well as my family's. Ive been following mama for qiamulail at the mosque. Cause i know theres a huge chance that imma fall back to sleep if i were to qiam at home.

My aunty passed away on the 5th of ramadhan if am not mistaken. it was a lovely Friday. We were shocked cause we just met her at Terengganu few days before. Allahualim.Mama did not cry one bit, she says Cik Ha is in abetter place now. I mean how often do a family passed away on Friday of Ramadhan.MasyaAllah, Cik Ha must have been a very good person. Praying to be granted husnul khotimah amin.

so this year will be rayaing in Kl which is something im not look forward to.its not that i dont like my kl cousins, i love them of course, but i just cant keep up with them. im just not like them.well not just me, the whole family to be exact except for my brother who seems to get along with everyone just fine. i guess the wallflower genes run in our blood

anyway, pray that ill wake up later for qiam.

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