i dont think i can recall any bad memories but im sure i can if dig deep enough. but theres no point cause the bad memories Will turn into something beautiful.
and also one of the reason why I break down to tears was because of you. I miss you so much. The fact that i dream of you this morning does not help.
i had a glorious college life. My life was balance. I studied anough altho didnt get into the dean list but i know i had done my best. I had few best friends and a number of amazing friends that i honestly miss a lil bit too much now. I know things can never be the same. Now that most of us have gone separate ways and probably changed along the way. Things will never be the same.
i cherished every moment i had at UKM. from the moment i woke up till the moment i turn off the lights and go to sleep. Maybe that explains why i never ever skipped a lecture. i was a bit nerdy come to think about it.
I still remember how people actually recoqnized me as the girl who wears converse with baju kurung. Mind you, that a was trend now okay. If only kids these days knows i am one of the pioneers. i honestly wear anything that makes me feel comfortable. i had always hated ladies shoes cause they were always too small for me. and i hated wearing pants cause my butt will look huge in it. That was why i opted for baju kurung and a pair of converse. skirt was not a thing that time.
I had a friend who make jokes on how id wear a converse on my wedding day. Honestly, i had thought about doing just that.haha. and i the first time i wore a not so high heels, people made fun of me, which is not a big deal really
amongst my coursemates, id probably seen as a clown. I enjoy making jokes with them to the point that I think i can never be serious.i dont get angry easily.i just dont see the point of showing your anger.its better to merajuk.that will hurt more.haha. the boys would usually annoy me. people said that boys do that when they like you. i dont believe it, cause if that is the case, than i have plenty of boys who likes me. i just figured that they enjoy my reaction, and that im not overeacting etc.i have videos to prove this.
i guess i was recoqnizable too. a stranger once spare me a 10 cent at a restaurant and said we were in the same faculty. and a guy once approach me in the bus by telling me that he knew i was from FST. n u know what i did? i just said yes and turn to window. bodoh.haha. he continue sitting beside me, after few awkward minutes later he decided to return to his seat.
another one is when a cute guy from friendster called me. he ask me a question and i answered. awkward silence and he said his goodbye. bodoh bodoh.haha.
and i once run away from a guy whos a bit obsessed with me. it was funny as hell. cause i was busy hiding with a help from a friend. and when i got out the guy was in front of me. lawak gila when we tried to cover our attempts on running away from him.
i am never good with guys. i know i am a good friend.but never a girlfriend. you either be my friend or my future husband. thats it. nothing in between. if a good friend tryna get too close, id move away. thats how my life always work.
but its okay. i accepted my awkwardness and i think that made me special in a way.
i have a lot of unforgettable memories here in ukm.especially during my undergrad years
1. practical at zoo negara
2. being freehaired, i have people assuming im an indian, sarawakian and chinese
3. a boy i hate, whom i think hates me too, gave me a birthday present. boys are weird like that
4. my crush said im beautiful in front of a witness ( a friend who always kutuk me.haha)
5. picnic by the lake with zoologists. we were super close back then.
6. random trip to metrokajang n gigih walk to metropoint
7. countless karaoke session. cant believe i use to sing in front of a guy.erghh
8. speech comm class. cause i have my best friends with me and theres loads of eye candy too.gaha
and many moreeee
i m just too tired to write anything else. I will stop now. But I just want to make this clear by saying that college life is by far the best years of my life
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